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Setting and calculation method of the guy rope of the gantry crane

Time : 2024-08-26

The setting and calculation method of the guy rope of the Gantry Crane is crucial to ensure the stability of the crane under wind load. The following are some key points about the setting and calculation of the guy rope of the gantry crane:

1. Setting of guy rope

1.1. Setting position

The guy rope is usually set on the top of the upper beam or leg of the gantry crane to help stabilize the structure and reduce the impact of wind load on the crane.

The installation position of the guy rope should be determined according to the design of the gantry crane and the actual working environment. It is usually set in a symmetrical position to ensure balanced force.

1.2. Number of guy ropes
Usually, the number of guy ropes of the gantry crane is determined by the design requirements and the results of wind load calculation. Common settings have two or more guy ropes.
1.3. Guy rope specifications
The specifications of the guy rope should be selected according to the required strength and durability. Commonly used materials include high-strength steel wire rope or synthetic fiber rope. The diameter and strength of the wire rope should meet the design specifications.
1.4. Installation method
The fixing point of the wind rope should be selected at a stable location of the structure, and appropriate anchoring devices and fasteners should be used.
The tension of the wind rope should be moderate to ensure that it can maintain effective stabilization under wind load.

2. Calculation method of wind rope

2.1. Wind load calculation
The calculation of wind load is usually based on local meteorological conditions and the "Code for Loads on Building Structures" (such as GB 50009-2012). When calculating wind load, factors such as wind speed, wind direction, height and shape of the building need to be considered.
The formula for wind load is: Fw=0.5⋅Cd⋅ρ⋅v2⋅A, where Fw is the wind load, Cd is the wind pressure coefficient, ρ is the air density (usually 1.225 kg/m³), v is the wind speed, and A is the windward area.
2.2. Wind rope force calculation
According to the calculation results of wind load, calculate the force borne by each wind rope. The force calculation formula of the wind rope is: Fs=Fwn, where Fs is the force of each wind rope and n is the number of wind ropes.
Ensure that the force of each wind rope does not exceed its carrying capacity. The requirements can be met by selecting wind ropes of appropriate specifications and adjusting the tension.
2.3. Wind rope tension calculation
The wind rope tension needs to be calculated by mechanical formulas to ensure that it can withstand the maximum wind load. The tension calculation formula is: T=Fssin⁡(θ)
Where TT is the tension of the wind rope and θ is the angle between the wind rope and the horizontal plane.
2.4. Verification and adjustment
Based on the calculation results, check whether the tension of the wind rope is within the safe range and adjust it if necessary.
The long-term stability and maintenance of the wind rope should also be considered, and the wear and relaxation of the wind rope should be checked regularly.


The setting and calculation of the wind rope of the gantry crane need to be analyzed in detail according to the specific design and environmental conditions. Ensuring that the installation and calculation of the wind rope meet the relevant specifications can effectively improve the stability and safety of the gantry crane.




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